For this Missing Person Monday offering, I examinefour haunting photos involving persons who have vanished. _________________________________________________________________
Jennifer Kesse
On January 24, 2006, twenty-four year old Jennifer Kesse did not show-up for her job at an Orlando area real estate firm. Her vehicle was recovered two years late at an apartment complex near her condominium, but offered no clues as to Jennifer's location.
After a lengthyinvestigation, authorities contendthatMs. Kesse is the dupe of an abduction, and after exhausting all leads on the case,authorities were able to convert the FBI totake over.
Police were able to secure images from asecurity camera that showa person believed to haveabandoned Ms. Kesse's car.
Other than saying the person photographed is between 5'3 and 5'5 feet tall,authorities havenotbeen able to discover the individual.
The following security photo is of the mysterious soul of interest.

Photo Credit
Brianna Maitland
Guest blogger Bob and I have written extensivelyon the Brianna Maitland case.
In sum,seventeen-year-old Brianna was finally seen leaving work in Vermont around midnight in Process of 2004. Her vehicle was plant the following day crashed into an abandoned farmhouse less than a mile from her employer. Initially, authorities thought the incident was a simple hit-and-run, andthat Brianna had left voluntarily-which is now one of the least likely explanations.
The world does not get to see many imagesof ascenethought toinvolve a kidnapping just as it looked when authorities arrived.
This case offers a rare exception.
A group ofyoung people driving pastBrianna's car, snapped a pair of photosprior to police processing the prospect as a traffic collision.
Belowis whatwas seen on the dawn of March 20th:

Photo Credit (Courtesy of World Travelers-Thanks BobKat)
-------------------------Michael Reinert Ten-year old Michael Reinert was last seenleaving his family with his 11-year-old sister (Karen) and their mother, Susan Gallagher Reinert, in Ardmore, Pennsylvania on June 22, 1979. Three years later,Susan's nude body was base in the body of her own car, which wasin the parking lot of the Host Inn in Swatara Township, Pennsylvania. There was no mark of Michael or Karen at the setting and an extensive searchproduced nothing. Eventually, two men wereconvicted of the murders of the Reinert family. One of those sentenced,William Sidney "Bill" Bradfield,died in prison,and in his belongings, investigators discovered the photo shown below of what they believe is a grave. Despite efforts to see the position of the image,the photograph remains a mystery. 
Photo Credit
Could this photo be the burial location of missing children Michael and Karen Reinert? Unfortunately, all of these case images have offered more questions than answers. ________________________________________Next Monday, I'llstart a serial of posts on Kari Swenson, a closedmissing persons investigation.The caseincludes theperspectives of law enforcement, the victim, and the perpetrator-something uncommon in disappearances.
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