Slam Sunday
is a new bi-weekly (and sometimes weekly) feature I'm having on my blog, basically every otherSunday I'll share a YouTube clip of awesome spoken poetry that you justcan't miss.Poetry Slam is a rival in which poets reciteoriginal work. I know it. Plain and simple, I know the way it combineswords, rhythms and performance, the sounds blend together to bringattention to anything and everything. **I did edit a few of the phrases to better fit with the lyric she is saying (just like switching words around, etc)
When done well, it has the powerto accomplish great things.**It was Saturday, and I didn't acknowledge what poem I would deal with you for this week's feature of PSS.So I turned promptly to YouTube and the first video that I clicked on, I only LOVED. It is awesome and totally speaks to Readers and Teens. us.I will admit all the lyric this time (source: Missouri Scholars Academy**) because she speaks really fast at times and I Actually don't think you should lose what she is saying.This daughter is just sixteen! I beg you to heed to this, it's amazing.It's definitely one of my favourites.
Title: Well, Thank YouPoet: Taylor Phillips
When I launch out there was passing to be a slam,I went directly to my dorm room, pen in handReady to write the next grandWord symphonyTo give each audience member a personal epiphanyTo write a poem for everyone,So I had censored before I`d even begun.In a universe where only 25% of adolescents read for funWho's going to hear to a 16 year old girl slamAnd know enough to apply a damn.I wanna write a poemthat only the worthy can understandI wanna write a poem for bright people.For reliable knowledge comes from your heart people,For the hunt for that accuracy is an art peopleFor finish what you get people.I wanna write a poem for gifted kidsTeens with minds like Pringles lids,Once you pop, the fun don`t stop,I wanna speak for the ointment of the cropGeniuses of the 21st Century, this is for youBecause you know "Live long and prosper" was first said on VulcanAnd when you work a rubix cube too slowly,You don`t stop sulkin' until you win yet another chess matchIn 17 moves flatOr dip a tennis ball in a 3 liter vat ofLiquid nitrogenWhich we all know,Is atomic #7.I wanna write a poem for the scholastically drivenWho use their cerebellums to improve the world we live inAnd who didn`t get to face up cerebellum to knowThat they`re seeing this thanks to their occipital lobe.I wanna be the poet for the know-it-allsMaking metaphors from the trajectory of ping pong ballsWho knows that compactness is M over VAnd the decimal of one third is point repeating threeI wanna write a poem for the literarily inclinedWho turn to Freeze and Dickinson to findThe same play as Desperate HousewivesWho make Styrofoam and saxophones pertain somehow to their livesFor those who say scintillating instead of double-plus-goodAnd irked instead of irritatedEnthralled instead of fascinatedProclaimed in place of simply "stated"Deplorable instead of hatedOpaque instead of shadedThe brilliant and jadedAnd seldom celebrated for the selves that we`ve createdAnd the many,No,The PLETHORA,Of lives that they will change.I wanna write a poem for kids with good grammar.Who love that if somebody asks how you`re doingHow Y-O-U apostrophe R-E doing.You say WELL, thank youAnd can distinguish between whom and whoAnd lie and layAnd which and thatWho never ask the enquiry "where are you AT?"Because at`s a preposition, we don`t end sentences like thatI wanna write a poem for the kids at MSAWho when I say BOOMBAAll yell HEY!We`re passing to govern the freaking world somedayIt`s FUN to be brilliantAnd schools make it a choreAnd I'm not sure quiteWho`s being left behind anymoreSo here is a poem for the next of our nationThe future shrinks, doctors and teachers of our nationAnd actors and authorsAnd computer techniciansAnd judges and journalistsAnd pediatriciansMoms, dads and musiciansReading is sexy and don`t you forget itMediocrity consumes, but we did not let it.We`re nerds because we striveMoving this world forward with our inner driveSo I wrote this poem, from my own fierce prideFor the youth, our world`s future, personifiedbecause it`s scary, but it`s trueThe future`s us, you guys
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