Thursday, October 28, 2010

massmouth blog and news: "Horrified" slam

A stunning night of stars came out to fall at Johnny D's Story Slam Tuesday evening.massmouth's own Bruce Marcus shared the leg with two incredible storyteller/musicians, Deborah Henson Conant with her electric harp and Jim Infantino with his electric wit.Bruce also chose an eclectic choice of judges representing stories from all walks of living including a juvenile Court Judge, The Hon.

Jose Sanchez, a Globe correspondent Robin Abrahams aka as Miss Conduct, Adriane Spunt stepped in as main justice, Slam winner Katie Liesner, and Dermott Whitaker who helped crunch the figures to get up with the scores.

Co-host: Jim Infantino
The horrible stories I include here are but a rally of the evening such as: body parts in an airfield, flying in planes with no brakes, a bus ride from hell, nuns and misbehavior, uncomfortably stuck in a building site (literally stuck), a witch up to no full and the possibility of woodchuck elimination as seen through the eyes of Quakers and Monks.Diana Wiesner came in second making us giggle as she answered the doorway with an entourage of nude boys and a hunky pizza delivery man waiting on the former side winning second set and Michael Anderson winning first made telling the audience how he was dismissed in a most horrible way. Thank you to all who stayed behind to take your "audience choice" last night it happened to be Chris Osborne who was an audience choice last year telling the stories appealing to large audiences is not a coincidence, it's talent.
Co-host: Deborah Henson Conant
Speaking of audiences more than half the 85 people attending raised their hand when asked if this was their first time at a shot which continues to support our opinion that people are hungry for story. Congratulations to all who told your horrifying tales and almost of all praise to Bruce Marcus for pulling together a really remarkable slam at Johnny D's
The evening's tellers were Hal Miller-Jacobs, Molly Cosgrove, Christopher Osborne, Aarin Murrdy, Robert Smith, Michael Anderson, Larry Schworer, Esther Piszczek, Diana Weisner, and Robert Isenberg and from death the "transported" slam, Ben Stump, told in the winner circle.
massmouth thanks Johnny D's for the support, the prize,Johnny D's sound man "Dana" and the air as good as Chipotle Grill and JP Licks who donated the 2nd place prizes,most of all thanks to all our volunteers.
Dana Westover, the good man, listening in
-- by Andrea Lovett
Since January, massmouth has been donating 10% of the gate to Partners in Wellness for relief work in Haiti. See the box on upper right of this blog to do your own contribution...
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