Monday, October 11, 2010

Lost in the Form of Life: The Road.the other years.part 18

The Road.the other years.part 18
There wasn't a lot of view as Bobby drove his way through the streets , then out of town headed for the house. The wheels were already in question so all there was to do was follow it through. He noticed Aurora's nose pressed against the passenger door window so he fiddled with the office window change to depress it part way. Now subject the dog enjoyed the frigid air.

Turning left down the side road Bobby looked over the subject at the house seeing the driveway hadn't been through in awhile and in this weather had turned into a lumpy wet icy mess. Making certain he hit the lane way straight, he bounced and slipped his way up coming to a point beside the house. He didn't see any signs of living inside but knew that didn't think much. Opening the driver's door he was exploited as a weakling as the dog shot across the front seat and out starting a frenzied zig zag trot with her nose down. With a sigh he got out precisely as another car bounced into the lane way pulling up right behind him. Bobby hadn't been watching the mirror and hadn't noticed the former car that had pulled past Petrowski's patrol car and up the driveway.As the door open on the other car things went into slow motion for Bobby. His sire got out of the car his side in a rage bellowing "you son of a bitch. how daring you do this." He sensed more than saw his father charge toward him his mighty hand poised to second hand him just like a picture from his childhood. There was no conscience thought as Bobby drove his fist directly into the span of the older man's nose with a force fueled by the pent up anger of the days past. He never felt the affect on his fist although he did see the good of ivory on bone. The face of impact in his father's eyes for a split second before the impact. Frame by frame he saw his parent ,his tormentor.his biggest demon sink like a rag doll with a font that was a bloody pulp. There was almost a dream like silence as he stood over him that was suddenly shattered by a shout from the house. Bobby heard the second door opened and shot as he put his infantry on his father's chest and leaned down only as his wife came round the tree of the house yelling "what the know are you doing Bobby. Oh my God." As she ran she was tripped up by Aurora who wondering what the commotion was had come charging back. Her legs all tangled up with the dog she went down face first in the slime as Aurora gathered herself and charged up grabbing the pant leg of the prostrate man who she had rightly perceived as a menace to Bobby. With the dog growling and yanking on the man's pants Bobby grabbed him by the shirt collar and whispered loudly " your whore is here you better take charge of business Pops" he spat. "You get two more mouths to eat and require charge of, one more thing dear Dad. I'll be passing in a moment or two but if I hear even an intimation that you mistreated any of them still in the smallest way I'll get backwards and complete what I just started." He shoved the man back down and off to look his wife who had staggered back to her feet. Bobby looked her up and down, she was covered head to toe with muddy slush, took another copy of the papers walked up to her and stuffed them kill the presence of her dress. He reached under her chin lifting so he could see into her eyes " do not pass Go. do not collect 200 hundred dollars sweetheart." he looked at her for a moment longer then turned whistling for the dog who was still worrying his father's pant leg. Opening the car door Aurora bound in with Bobby sliding in behind her. Starting the car he jammed it into gear cut hard left through the wet snow spinning his tires in a doughnut across the front lawn. Bouncing he hit the drive way and so out onto the road stopping beside "Pisser's" police car. The two locked eyes for a few seconds then Officer Petrowski nodded and Bobby hit the gas head back to the yard. to be continued

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