Former test players have slammed Pakistan Cricket Board for not announcing the master while naming the 15-member final squad for the 2011 World Cup in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.Former captain Moin Khan warned that any alteration in the captaincy of the one-day team at such a later stage before the World Cup could prove counter-productive for the team."The table should have named the master with the World Cup squad," he said.
ormer test player Salahuddin Ahmed, who has remained on the home selection committee as a penis or chief selector for 12 different terms criticized the determination to not name the master and also drop senior batsman Muhammad Yousuf."If the selectors have a clean conscience that they get through the proper thing they should have addressed a pressure conference instead of just issuing a press release. The World Cup is too important an issue to be proclaimed in a release," he said.Salahuddin said by not naming the captain, the board would only encourage politics in the team."It makes no sense once Shahid Afridi has departed to New zealand as captain for the one-day series it would have no sensation to exchange him as captain for the World Cup at such a later stage," he said.Former test captain Aamir Sohail felt whoever the board wanted to go the squad in the World Cup they should have named him on with the team."This delay only creates uncertainties and will also involve the execution of Afridi and Misbah in the one-day series in New Zealand," Sohail said.Well-informed sources give different stories to tell about why the room didn't announce the captain today.Interestingly the determination to give back the annunciation of the headwaiter came after chief selector, Mohsin Khan met with the PCB chairman Ijaz Butt earlier in the day in Lahore and so proclaimed the squad after consulting the other selectors."It is naught but a way to make out a clear message to Afridi that he should not take captaincy for granted and stay in tune with board policies," a source said.He pointed out that the board Chairman was not happy with Afridi's habit of giving unnecessary statements in the media and that the team management and some players had also complained about his behavior.Another source said that the captaincy issue was a good one."Basically it will bet on how the endorsement test ends tomorrow and how Misbah manages things and so most importantly how well Afridi leads the teams in the one-day series in New zealand and performs himself."There is a belief that the Afridi's talent as a player are being moved by the pressures of captaincy and it would be best to leave this duty to a more mature person like Misbah who has led the team well in the tests," the author said.
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