Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dark Days in Bright City, Part Five

All right faithful readers, I am proud to give to you the final installment of "Blue Days in Bright City." Enjoy! Swallow of Slaughter is brassy in room. Fear shines in eyeswhen I step back. Gun hammer clicks twice. Cacophony of gunshot vibratesair; smoke fills space between. I wave smoke away. Butcher is slumpedin chair, bullet hole in forehead leaking blood. I step close to inspectwound.

Brain matter decorates floor in spray pattern from force ofshot. I lift head of Slaughter and wait in dead eyes. "Maysoul burn in Appolyon`s mouth." I spit in front of dead man. Eyes openand staring in shock forever. Butcher did not expect arrival of death.Now I dispose of body. Is not just to give evidence of vengeance. Warehousedoor explodes inward. I cast out from body and get to feet running.Shouts of Gendarmes carry from movement of building, but I do not stop.Only stupid man engages superior numbers when no advantage is had. Islam through back door into alley. Footsteps clatteragainst cobblestones. Engines roar to life somewhere nearby. I run threeblocks before turn. Second door down alleyway is open, precisely as Ileft. I slam door closed on moonlit night. Place is hidden well fromGendarmes. Now I look for end of pursuit. Warmthblooms in me at memory of care in dead eyes of Butcher. Plea in hisvoice was symphony. Face of Sonya rises in memory, and sadness grows inheart. Death of Butcher important, but does not get back love of life.No more will I hear laugh, or name called in lilting voice. Darknesssits over grief; satisfaction is not forthcoming like I expect. I caressrough edge of poison pill with tongue again. Perhaps I will see Sonyaagain if I bite. Idea has merit. I cannot say how much.

Parts One to Four can be ground over at this handy link. Remember this story originally appeared in Fissure Magazine's November issue (available for sale through Shadow Archer Press). Hope you liked the story!

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