Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kim Jong Il makes the picks!

Ulysses Fullerton. Haven't seen much of him and so far this mood he doesn`t take an impression. He`s been pinned every time, but at least it`s been by Thunderhammer and Uncle Slam.

Sucio Sanchez? He`s a winner, but I`m not sure Baltazzar can do him like Infierno did a few seasons back (I think but am not sure that Infierno managed him and gave him his trademark style).

Kim Jong Il makes the picks!

Ulysses Fullerton. Haven't seen lots of him and so far this temper he doesn`t lead an impression. He`s been pinned every time, but at least it`s been by Thunderhammer and Uncle Slam.

Sucio Sanchez? He`s a winner, but I`m not sure Baltazzar can do him like Infierno did a few seasons back (I recollect but am not certain that Infierno managed him and gave him his trademark style).

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lyrics, Weakly: Spice Girls: Wannabe

So this week Lyrics, Weakly takes a slip back to 1996 (well, more 1997 in the United States), and specifically back to the commencement of the whole Spice Girls phenomenon and their debut single, "Wannabe". Yep, they named a song allegedly about girl power and friendship (though, as you`ll see below, it actually seems to be around much weirder stuff than that) with a word denoting someone trying to fit in with a group that`s more democratic than they naturally are.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Slam-Dunk Video Marketing Tips For More Conversions

Video marketing as a way for promoting anything, just about, has been streaking like a meteor in the preceding few years. So we wish to assist you out with some video marketing tips so you can see better results, or encourage you to get started.

Videos can try to be great branding tools that can facilitate you create brand awareness of your product.